LCHS New and Incoming Students
General Information
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How often do music classes meet at LCHS? The Concert Bands, Concert Choirs, and Orchestras are curricular classes that meet every day one full period just like other academic classes. Typically, there are one to two additional rehearsals after school in preparation for upcoming concerts.
2. If I have never played an instrument or haven't played a string instrument in a long time, can I still join orchestra/band? Yes! Any students who is seriously interested in learning how to play a wind, string, or percussion instrument is able to join band and orchestra. You would work alongside older students who would help you quickly learn how to play and improve on your instrument.
3. What ensemble will I enroll in as a freshman? All freshmen should initially enroll in Concert Band, Concert Orchestra, or Concert Choir during registration with their counselor.
4. Do I need to be in an ensemble in order to be in the musical "pit" or orchestra or jazz band? Yes, you will need to be enrolled in a music course.
5. Do I have to audition? Auditions are not required for enrollment in Concert Band, Concert Orchestra, or Concert Choir. However, after freshman year, you have the option of auditioning for several of the advanced ensembles at LCHS, including the Wind Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, and A'Capella Choir.
6. How many after-school events will I be involved with? Each ensemble typically performs one concert per quarter for a total of four each year. There will be one or two dress rehearsals after school prior to each concert. Occasionally, there are additional performances (music festivals) which students will know about as soon as information is available.
7. Can I still take an academically rigorous schedule and be in music? Absolutely! There have been numerous valedictorians and/or salutatorians of the senior class in the music program. Many of our students take multiple AP and Honors classes.
8. Can I participate in sports and still be in music? Yes. There are many athletes (Freshmen through Varsity levels) involved in the music program at LCHS. Because music is a class during the school day, the music and sports schedules rarely overlap. When they do, the teacher and coach will work together to help resolve the conflict.
9. Where can I find more information about music at LCHS? Please see below for a sample high school four-year schedule with music. Please contact the appropriate director if you have any further questions - we look forward to having you in the LCHS Music Program!